
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2010


it's christmas now and merry christmas to all of the people who celebrate it. at 2 pm, i and my mom went to surabaya (febi went to warnet). first, we went to AJBS, she wanted to see furnitures. she planned to buy a kind of bookshelf to put my books. she saw a good one, but unfortunately it was red. that's too conspicuous to be put at my room, you know. it only available in a color. then we went to Galaxy Mall. it was the first time we went there by car. last time we went there by taxi. that's cause we don't really know the exact location of GM. hehehe. so after one time asking GM location, we finally found it where. we walked around. went into shops, but we didn't buy anything. hehe. we went to ShoeLine, and i saw the lovely blue Kickers Sneakers. aaaah, i wish i had money so i could grab it. kita masuk ke Magnolia juga. menurut ibuku sih model2 baju yang di Magnolia lumayan oke. aku nemu jeans robek2 di sana. oke banget deh pokoknya. sayang di bagian samping kakiny...

christmas eve

hmmm, it's christmas eve. but i didn't celebrate anything, for sure. ah, anyway, i've got my rapot at the morning. and it's pretty good, i guess. no scores that under kkm. and my indonesian, it was unexpected. i got 78. that's better, cause, you know, last semester i gotta pass remedials just to get 75. haaah. at the afternoon, i and my mom went to cito. we bought snacks and febi's stuffs. she's gonna go camping on 28. i'm gonna be free!!! haha. after that, well, we went around. i went to Lee Cooper and voila, there "he" is. a really nice shirt with The Beatles print on it. yellow submarine . . . oh, there was also The Beatles grey hoodie sweater. mmmm, yummy. but i didn't buy it. i didn't think it's really worth it. hehehe. i prefer to have the jeans, if you ask me. i also went to look for valkyrie dvd. but i didn't get it. and at about 7pm we went home.

trans tv lagi berbaik hati

mmm, trans tv kayaknya lagi berbaik hati nih ke gue. hehehe, soalnya belakangan ini film yang transtv puterin, lumayan oke2. dalam kurang lebih 1 minggu ini, gue udah nonton: valkyrie yeah, kayak yang udah gue ceritain tempo hari lah. pokoknya gue suka film ini. tapi sayangnya waktu gue cari dvdnya di giant deket rumah gue, kagak ada tuh. well, ada sih, tapi jadi 1 sama beberapa film lain. maksudku, dalam 1 dvd isinya valkyrie & film2 lain. ngerti, kan?? ogah gue beli yang kayak gitu. selain film lainnya belum jaminan bagus, gue juga ragu sama kualitas gambarnya. vantage point sebenernya gue udah nonton film ini pas di semarang. tapi awal2nya doang. keren nih film. sebenernya inti ceritanya sih pendek. tapi dibagi-bagi ke (seinget gue nih, ya) 8 sudut pandang berbeda. ceritanya tentang usaha penculikan presiden US. trus yang berhasil menyelamatkan si presiden itu salah seorang secret service (gue lupa yang meranin siapa. tapi terkenal kok). ternyata partner si agen secret service i...


tadi aku marah2 ke Opang. penyebabnya?? wah, aku sendiri enggak yakin apa penyebabnya. jadi gini, aku sama ristin icret hanum mau ke giant. kalo misalkan opang ga mau ikut, kan aku bisa nebeng hanum. karena tadi pagi aku berangkat nebeng Opang, otomatis aku bawa helm dong. ya udah, aku sms opang buat tanya dia lagi dimana (siapa tau bisa gue samperin). lama, nggak dibales. aku sms lagi buat tanya dia mau ikut ke giant apa ga. lama, nggak dibales juga. aku coba telepon. lama, nggak diangkat. ya udah, aku putusin buat cari dia aja daripada kelamaan nunggu balesan & anak2 juga uda mau berangkat. aku liat di kelasnya, nggak ada. aku coba ke kantin, nggak ada juga. trus, aku coba ke lapangan basket. kosong. eh, itu gara2 gue nggak pake kacamata sih, jadi nggak keliatan siapa2. hehehe. setelah gue perhatiin lagi, ternyata ada 2 orang lagi maen basket. cewek sama cowok. yang cewek kerudungan & jelas gue nggak tau siapa & nggak keliatan mukanya karena ga pake kacamata. yang cowok p...


i watched Valkyrie last night. and i love it. i kinda felt regret that i didn't watch it at cinema. i thought that the movie would be bad, weird, and anticlimax. but i was wrong. to me, this movie is worth to watch. it's not cheesy. They say that the movie is based on true story. It happened on 20 June 1944. the movie was about an overthrow of Hitler regime. Colonel Stauffenberg was actually a soldier. he lost his left hand, his right little finger and ring finger, and his left eye when he was at Tunisia. as he back to Berlin, he was recruited by Olbricht & friends to make the overthrow succeed. He planned Operation Valkyrie for the overthrow (I didn’t understand what Valkyrie really was. But then I saw that it was actually a composition made by Wagner named Valkyrie). Operation Valkyrie was about to make the reserve army take over the country right after Hitler is dead. So, to set this operation, they had to kill Hitler first (Too bad, I’d already known the ending right af...