
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2011

Biology book

Dialog1 Seseorang: kalo pernapasan eksternal internal itu gimana ya? Aku: (reading my biology book) yg eksternal itu blablablablablabla. Seseorang: oh jadi gitu. Aku: Yeah. Seseorang: (opening her biology bks) salah! Pernapasan eksternal itu bulubulubulubulu! Aku: oh ya terserah. Aku pake bukuku kok. Kalo menurutmu itu ya terserah aja. (Sikap masih bersahabat) Seseorang: tapi lho ini gini! Bulubulubulubulu! Aku: Yeah,so? (Sikap defensif) Dialog2 Seseorang: (sambil menepuk lututku pelan & bicara dg nada menasehati) ga boleh gitu. Aku: (berusaha kembali bersahabat) ga boleh gitu apa? Seseorang: ga boleh. Aku: (mengacuhkannya) Dialog3 Satwika: pulmosis itu apa? Aku: gelembung udara pada ikan dipnoi. Seseorang: (dg sikap yg jelas2 ga percaya) IYA TA??? Aku: (defensif lagi) iya. Tadi aku lihat dibukuku kok. Huh hidupku mulai sumpek nih. Bisa2nya sekelas sama seseorang ini? Meremehkan aku banget! Kayak dia paling pintar aja! Padahal yang pernapasan eksternal yg aku jelasin itu uda aku b...


oh my gosh!! this 6.30 am i went to smamda sidoarjo to met my friends in order to work on our mulok task (the task is about to do some kinda obsevation in Lapindo, Porong). by motorcycle. i mean, i was driving the motor myself. MYSELF. at first i imagined that i'd be dropped by my mom in front of smamda and then i would hitchiking to icha. but when i told my mom 'bout this observation plan, i thought my imagination would be real. but then i was wrong. she told me that i could go to Lapindo, Porong, by myself. she said that she was unwilling to drive me to smamda. okay. that sounded pretty crazy for me. i mean, according to the previous case, she never let me -or even if she let me, there must be a reluctant / hesitate sound in her voice- to drive the motorcycle to the highway. she said "too many police", "i don't want if you get caught (by the police)", "you should just wait for few months to have your driving licence", blahblahblah. but if i a...

usb port

my mom bought a new tv few days ago. the tv has usb port feature. yesterday i tried to connecting my phone to the tv (as we all know, when we connect the phone to notebook or tv or something else, the messages or calls can't be received). then i played some mp3s and sing along with it. after i finished doing it, i unplugged my phone. and then message from opang came. opang: did you charging (charging my phone, red)? me: nope. i connected my phone to the tv. new toy. hehehehe. opang: ladala what did you do to it, bebh? what if it's broken? me: won't be broken, hopefully. the tv has usb port. haha. opang: well don't do anything weird, bebh, though it has usb port. imagine if you have a new notebook with usb port on it. then your friend say "don't use the usb port. it can be broken." haaah, this is the same thing like my case. silly but funny. then why would they put a usb port on the back side of my tv?? what's the point of this usb port feature?? just f...

market shirt

okay, last saturday i and my mom went to royal plaza. everything went well before this shit happened. I SAW A WAITRESS WEARING THE SAME SHIRT AS MINE. that wouldn't be any problem if i did not wear it either. but the thing is, I DID. DAMN! WHAT A DISASTER! DASAR BAJU PASARAN. but i still love my shirt, though. hehehe. :P well this shit happened when i was looking for lunch at royal food court. i was planning to buy a SOP BUNTUT. then right after i and my mom sit on chairs, i saw her, man. wearing the same shirt as mine. one of my favorite shirt. i shocked. hah. perhaps people would see us as twin. oh god. and then i went to the kiosk which sold sop buntut. then i found that "my twin" works at this kiosk. the cashiers were laughing to me and i know they're gossiping me though i had not left them yet. stupid. you guys should learn more about the right attitude of gossiping. try to not let your gossip object know that you're gossiping it. well, in this case, me. huh....


well well, today i got acceleration class for my temporary class. thank god my class got this one. this class has it's own tv and dvd player plus the dvd collection. not much, though. but still it'd be a good entertainment for us. hehehe. early before the school began, my friends had been turned on the tv and watch spongebob squarepants. after we back from tennis field to had sports assessment, my friends decided to watch the dvd, it was jap freaky horror. my friend said it was the scariest horror movie. but the fact is not, well at least i wasn't scared at all when watching it. the movie was stupid, i think. not clear at all. the acting was poor. and the movie has no point to show. definitely, i waste my time by watching it. hehehe. perhaps i should have joined the boys to watch One Piece with them from laptop. then when math time, Mr Shodiq (hope that's the corect spelling) in to my temporary class and shocked us by the papers on his hand. we thought they're test ...


damn, koneksi internet lagi bobrok2nya nih. lemoooot ga garuan. ini nih tampang gue waktu mau ke kondangan minggu kemarin sama ibuku. tapi fotonya ngeblur dan backgroundnya ga banget, kamarku yang berantakan. hehehe. cantik kaaan??? huahahahaha. tapi nih ya, biarpun uda cantik gitu, maih ada aja yang ngira gue yang jaga toko furnitur di suncity. berhubung kondangan di suncity, abis dari kondangan ibuku mampir ke toko furnitur di sana. trus aku juga liat2. trus ada mbak2 berkaos merah jeans selutut rambut hitam panjang, tanya ke gue "mbak itu 1 set berapa ya??". buset dah, baju uda begini masa masi aja dikira penjaga toko?? salah muka gue yang kayak sales apa salah mbaknya sih?? idih. uda gitu dia ga minta maaf lagi. langsung melengos pergi gitu aja. sialan.

(fake) interview

Hai fita, gimana nih kabarnya? udah lama nggak ada postingan nih.. Umm i'm good, alhamdulillah. tapi sempet sakit juga sih minggu lalu. untungnya sekarang udah sembuh. yah gimana ya, bener2 lagi males ke warnet nih. trus lagi banyak ulangan juga. jadi tambah males ke warnet deh. oh gitu.. trus gimana sekolah lo? gitu2 ajalah. malah cenderung buruk. beberapa saat lalu bahkan gue ketauan nyontek waktu ulangan kimia. dan alhasil ulangan gue dicoret. sayangnya sampe sekarang gue masih belum tau apa gue remidi ato engga. haaaah. ngawang deh. oh, turut berduka deh kalo gitu.. nggak usah, makasih =) ummm. trip ke jakarta kemarin belum di post, ya? elaaah, mau ngepost gimane? ngetik aja belom. eet dah. untuk gampangnya, ntar langsung gue upload foto2nya aje dah. biar engga usah ngetik lagi. hehehe. oke oke. ditunggu, ya, postingan trip di jakarta-nya. umm trus maulid nabi kemarin, ada kegiatan nggak?? ada dung. yaa sebenernya terpaksa sih. gue ikut lomba mading di sekolah. aduuuh, ancuur g...

crazy trip tp TP

yak hari ini adalah hari aku jalan2 jauh sama temen untuk yang pertama kali. kita ke TP, saudara saudara. bayangin aja, orang minta jalan ke TP sama ibuku aja belom tentu kesampean, nah ini yang di luar rencana malah kesampean. ckckckck. jadi hari ini guru2 ada rapat. setelah istirahat engga ada pelajaran lagi. bukan berarti murid2 sekolahku pada dipulangin sih, tapi ya dasar bocah bandel . . . ber8, gue, nida, asa, ristin, icha, ajeng, nadia, bintang langsung cabut dari sekolah jam 11an. aku dibonceng nida. karena engga bawa helm, aku sama nida pulang dulu kerumahku ambil helm trus langsung ke rumah asa tempat kita ngumpul sebelum berangkat ke TP bareng. tadinya sih mau ke cito doang tapi ga tau kenapa ya ato siapa yang ngusulin, kita berubah haluan ke TP. awalnya gue sempet ragu karena ke TP motoran bakal capek dan lama. jauh gilaa. tapi akhirnya gue setuju ikut deh. itung2 main sama temen. ini pertama kalinya gue hang out sama temen2 sekelasku lho. ampun deh super duper kuper nih a...