
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2012

Coloring hair

I wanna color my hair. Oh yeah, this idea had come up since a long long time ago. I just haven't had chance to do it. I mean with this whole school things. But now after I'm free of it, I'm about to make it happen. At first I want brown on my hair like Bella Swan's. But I consider it'd be pretty hard cause my real color is brownish black (more like black, perhaps), so the color wouldn't appear as what I want. Or at least, it'd be harder. So then I want brown like Go Hye Mi's at Dream High and I want her hair style too. She look cute with that. But then I didn't think it'd work the same way to me, plus I hate that kind of fringe, it makes me sick of wearing it. It keeps jabbing my eyes and barricade my sight. Believe me, I'm not cute enough to handle that. So now, I plan to color my hair with aqua blue like Aquamarine or purple or red or should I choose pink? Wew, I haven't decided yet, since I haven't found the place to work my pl...

snmptn first day

Hari pertama SNMPTN bukan hari yang cukup menyenangkan. Bahkan sebelum tesnya dimulai. Berangkat jam 6 pagi dari rumah menuju tempat tes yang berlokasi di Untag Surabaya. Rupanya, jalanan jadi padat luar biasa. Terutama di bundaran Waru dan seterusnya menuju Surabaya. Macet cet cet cet. Apalagi kita belum tau persis Untag itu dimana. Nekat banget kemarin nggak cek lokasi. Gara2 ibuk doang tuh bilang udah tau daerahnya. Pret. Yaudah, berbekal GPS, peta tradisional, dan macetnya jalanan, berangkatlah kita. Akhirnya kita sampai. Iya sampai, tapi jam setengah 8. Setelah berputar2 di jalanan dan kejebak macet di... manapun itu. Dan parahnya aku salah liat jadwal masuk karena aku pikir masuk kelas jam 7.45, tapi yang bener jam 7.30 untuk hari pertama. Yasudah, bisa ditebak, aku terlambat masuk kelas. Plus aku juga nggak tau dimana gedung & ruangan tesku. Terbuanglah beberapa menit untuk berputar2 lagi. Terkesan agak nggak niat, nggak sih? Trus pulangnya aku ketemu dengan cecowok it...

sweet surprise

Just a day before SNMPTN I got this little sweet surprise. My grandma called. Directly to my phone. Which was she never did before, cause she usually call to my mom's phone. I was on my sleep when it happened. Then my phone rang. I picked it up. And there she was, a very familiar old lady's voice, my grandma's. It's really nice to hear her voice. It turned me on. Didn't need a second to recognize it was hers. So she asked about me, my school thing and Febi's. Then I told her tommorrow's the BIG day for SNMPTN. And I told her I made into a private university at Surabaya. She said that would cost a lot. I told her about our plan ("our" because me and my parents are behind this plan. Well, but then I consider it's more because of my mom.) about taking a test at Unsoed. One that we usually call as tes mandiri. I thought she wouldn't really understand that, but I didn't explain anything either. IDK why.

tes kesehatan

Kejadiannya waktu ada tes kesehatan dalam rangka penerimaan mahasiswa baru di salah satu universitas swasta Surabaya. Trus akhirnya giliranku diperiksa oleh salah satu dokter cowok di ruangan itu. Aku memberikan lembar pemeriksaanku. Dia mulai dengan tes buta warna. Trus dia menempelkan alat ke kupingku dan mengintip melalui celah di alat itu. Kuping kanan, trus kuping kiri. And there, he said that. "Mmm kuping kamu kotor, ya." Rasanya seperti mak jleb jleb jleb jleb jleb. Seratus kali lebih jleb daripada dibilang kurus. Yaaah kira2 begitulah. Aku langsung ngerasa kalo posisiku di tipis harapan bakal diterima. Apalagi ketika pak dokter itu menahan kertasku. Padahal anak lainnya engga pake acara ditahan tuh kertasnya. Tapi di rumah, aku bersihin kupingku, engga kotor2 banget kok. Wew. But thank God I made it.