Raja Ampat (May 2022)
sudah ketebak lah ya aku habis dari mana :)
first of, these ones are sop saudara. sopir kita di Sorong mengantar kita ke sini untuk makan siang, right before we headed to Raja Ampat. these tastes good, really. specially for you who likes meat.
next the driver took us to the harbor. chasing our express ferry called Bahari Express. it was a nice ferry, on the VIP seat. the air conditioner was cool enough.
arriving at Waisai Island.
next day we start our journey at Raja Ampat.
arriving at Piaynemo Geosite. gerbang untuk mencapai situs foto-foto yang mendunia itu.
ada toilet!
stepping on to ladders that took us to the top of Piaynemo. not a very long hike, but it can be something if you don't get used to have your muscles working.
finally at the top!
(mandatory photo 1)
mandatory photo 2 hehe
beli lobster dari nelayan setempat di Piaynemo.
Telaga Bintang.
Swimming at Arborek.
sambil memantau langit yang mulai mendung. dan pada akhirnya hujan saat di perjalanan kita lanjut ke destinasi selanjutnya. (padahal pagi tadi dan selama di perjalanan ke Piaynemo panas banget)
sampai di Friwen dan hujan sudah redasaat kita sampai.
our third day or last day at Raja Ampat.
we went to Kalibiru. it's a one hour road trip at Waisai to the nearest village to Kalibiru. so Kalibiru is actually on the mainland of Waisai. but in order to get there, it's easier if we take the boat. karena kalo mau lewat jalan darat, jalannya masih rusak, dan memutar terlalu jauh. di desa ini juga gaada sinyal, btw.
pasti orang-orang yang tinggal di desa ini damai banget hidupnnya. gaada gangguan sinyal.
no stories, just pictures. never thought i'd say this but i've been there :)
my favorite was our trip to Kalibiru. felt like living the past. jalan menyusuri sungai, trekking, berenang di sungai, di dalam hutan yang masih teduh. asli sih, i prefer Kalibiru rather than Piaynemo. pokoknya beda banget sama udara manokwari yang panas pantai :(
oh and a little tips, as far as i experience myself living in Manokwari and Sorong for awhile, u can't really predict the weather. it can switch in a blink of an eye, so u'd better be prepared.
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