
I'm bad. I'm bad at talking to public.

Huaaa... T_T

Say that i'm smart or whatever,but if you ask me to speak to public,well,all I can say is you've made mistake. Real big mistake. God.

For example,just now I'm back from warnet near my home. I met with the owner, Arma. He is kind and then say hi and talk to me. But I was so stupid untill I cannot think what to say.

But thats nothing if you compare to this one. It happened in taekwondo meeting few months ago. The couch asked us the reason why we practice rarely. There went my turn to talk. I felt nervous. I tried to talk as usual. But that didnt went well. And the worst was I said the wrong closing greet. I should said wassalamualaikum. But the idiot was I said walaikumsalam. Argh!! Idiot. Fortunately not so many people heard my voice,i hope.

I'm wondering how can I do talking to public well? Should I do practice? I dont want to. I'm a shy person you know.

I still had good luck. I mean fortunately I only met Arma. What can I do If I met Asvi? Hah,maybe I'll die standing.
